At first glance, you might look at this picture and think oh, that's Christine's makeup case... which makes sense, since I'm in the TV business, and it's my job to look good even in the face of HD TV cameras.
Truth be told, this is my backup supply. It sits under my sink, just in case Armageddon happens and all makeup supplies get destroyed. If there was a house fire, I'd grab it (after my kids and my wedding album, of course). This is the result of years of acquiring products through freebies and buying things that I THOUGHT I needed but have yet to open/use. (Darn those tempting Ulta coupons!!!)
I have a whole separate makeup bag that I actually use on a daily basis for work.
So I challenged myself to:
#1. Organize my makeup by function, and wittle down my supply by throwing out any expired products. Apparently the shelf life of mascara is 4 months, not years! Check out this helpful guideline.
#2. Take inventory of what I have (4 mascaras, 4 eyeliners, 4 blush/bronzers, 2 eyeshadow palettes, 3 primers, 3 BB creams, 2 foundations, 1 powder, 2 lip pencils, 6 lip glosses and 3 lipsticks.) This is not counting the creams, potions and perfume samples that I've also been hoarding.
#3. Not buy any additional makeup for six months, and instead use only what I already have... even if the color isn't EXACTLY right or I don't absolutely love the product. Who know, I may discover new favorites along the way?
#4. Blog about my challenge and encourage other women to do the same and let me know how it goes. I've already spoken to my gorgeous, makeup savvy fellow hoarders, I mean, colleagues, Margot Kim and Graciela Moreno and by chance, they're both doing the same thing. Think how much money we're saving!