Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
PRODUCT TEST: Resolve Triple Action

Sometimes strong-willed children feel the need to test you. Like REALLY test you. Like today, when my 3-year-old daughter decided to paint our living room carpet because she, and I quote, "didn't have any paper." This follows last week's episode of painting the headboard and footboard of her bed, as well as her dresser, for the same reason. I couldn't admit to her I was rather impressed with her creation. The colors were vivid and blending was beautiful. See right:
But I put on my mad face and proceeded to scold her for doing what she knew was wrong. Then I panicked... how was I going to get this stain out? Just to give you an idea of the size of this thing: I'd say it was 3 feet long and a foot across! As any mom of babies/toddlers/pets knows -- a good carpet stain remover is a MUST to keep around the house at all times. Our choice is Resolve Triple Action. So far... I've used it on plenty of stains, not even listed on the company's website, including diarrhea, vomit, and strained peas. So of course the second thing I did was reach for the Resolve. (The first thing I did was take a picture to document it for you, dear readers, after sending the little one to time out).
The process is pretty basic and self explanatory. But the company's website actually has these tips:
1. Treat stain immediately. Set-in stains are more difficult to remove.
2. Spray area with RESOLVE® Triple Action Carpet Cleaner.
3. Wait five minutes.
4. Blot or rub gently with a clean, damp, colorfast cloth or sponge.
5. Rinse sponge or cloth and repeat as necessary
The end result... well, since pictures sometimes speak louder than words:

Thursday, August 26, 2010
DEALS AND STEALS: 30% off at The Children's Place

Saturday, August 21, 2010
PRODUCT TEST: Crest Whitestrips / Latisse
The above video was the first day for both products. The Crest WhiteStrips was a two-week process. Latisse, more like two to four months, before you see results. So I'll get back to you on the Latisse.
I just finished the Whitestrips the other day. And what do you know? It works! The hardest part was remembering to use them. Twice a day, for 30 minutes at a time. But I just incorporated it into my morning getting ready for work routine and my evening getting ready for bed. Having the film stuck to your teeth can take some getting used to, and for some people, they can cause some sensitivity and gum irritation. But in the end, my teeth appeared whiter and the staining was gone. I wouldn't say I got professional results, but it is a very good do-it-yourself, low-priced alternative. Below is the "After" picture.
Definitely worth trying before a wedding, reunion, or big day at the office. Crest Whitestrips retail for $31.26 on Amazon right now. And here are some coupons before you buy! Now if only I can find my retainers! Then my smile could return to its former glory!
Want me to test a product? Let me know!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
DEALS AND STEALS: 50% off Snapfish Photobooks

Snapfish has the answer. Photobooks are SO easy to make. No more mom guilt! I make one book, for each child, for their birthday. A 20-page 8" x 11" book normally costs around $20 but for two days only, they are 50% off! $9.99 for a year's worth of memories and pain-free creativity. Hurry! Just enter the code GRANDBOOK at checkout by August 20th.

The eggs are all produced in Galt, Iowa by Wright County Egg, but they are sold in retail stores as a myriad of different brands.
So here's the full list of affected brands:
Dutch Farms
Farm Fresh
Mountain Dairy
Eggs are packed in varying sizes of cartons (6-egg cartons, dozen egg cartons, 18-egg cartons) with Julian dates ranging from 136 to 225 and plant numbers 1026, 1413 and 1946.
Dates and codes can be found stamped on the end of the egg carton. The plant number begins with the letter P and then the number. The Julian date follows the plant number, for example: P-1946 223.
According to a company press release, "consumers who believe they may have purchased these shell eggs should not eat them but should return them to the store where they were purchased for a full refund. This recall is of shell eggs only. Other egg products produced by Wright County Eggs are not affected. Consumers with questions should visit www.eggsafety.org
SYMPTOMS OF SALMONELLAAccording to the CDC, a person infected with Salmonella Enteritidis usually has fever, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea beginning 12 to 72 hours after consuming a contaminated food or beverage. The illness usually lasts 4 to 7 days, and most persons recover without antibiotic treatment. However, the diarrhea can be severe, and hospitalization may be required. The elderly, infants, and those with impaired immune systems may have a more serious illness. In these patients, the infection may spread from the intestines to the blood stream, and then to other body sites and can cause death unless the person is treated promptly with antibiotics
NEWS YOU CAN USE: Income and Infidelity

The headline says it all:
Infidelity Rises When She Makes More Than He Does
In a study released this week, researchers at Cornell University suggest in couples where the man makes less than the woman, "gender identity threat" may make him less faithful. The study's author, Christin Munsch decided to look at the link between income and infidelity after a male friend who cheated on his partner confided, "she made all the money, she had all the friends, and he'd moved up there to be with her. He felt completely powerless." So he turned to another woman who made him feel more important and more valued??? It's hard to feel sympathy for the fellow, but you'd be surprised how much a man's ego and self-worth are tied to his job and ability to earn money. A quick survey among my friends who are currently in this situation, revealed feelings of shame, embarrassment, and resentment among the men. And this experience is more common than you might think.The recession has created many more households where the woman is the primary breadwinner. Men make up 75-percent of the 7 million people who have lost their jobs in this recession. So for many households, the shift in gender roles is not a choice, but a necessity.
This may often be empowering to women... and at the same time a heavy, guilt-ridden burden to bear. One mom, "Mrs.Garcia2U" went from being a stay-at-home mom for a decade, to being the sole breadwinner when her husband lost his job three years ago. She says the stress is taking a toll on her relationships. She feels like she's not a good mother anymore, because she's always working. Her husband resents her for making more money than him. I'm not saying there aren't men who appreciate their "sugar mamas", but after this latest study on infidelity, sounds like women come out on the losing end of all this.
I asked my husband, who currently makes triple my salary, how he would feel if the roles were reversed. He swore he would embrace the role of stay-at-home dad and having a "sugar mama." But I'm not so sure. Like many men, he was raised in a household where his father was the money maker, and mom was in a supporting role. A dad who couldn't provide was a failure or dead-beat. The same social stigmas are still very much alive. One dad "K" recently became a SAHD and said he wandered around aimlessly, feeling like "something was missing."
Obviously looking to regain your masculinity in the arms of another woman isn't going to solve your problems... it will just make matters worse. Fresno family therapist Ellen Truschel says one way to head off such issues is to seek counseling before the relationship ever reaches the crisis point. Maintaining open communication and trying to meet each other's needs (emotional and physical) may help your marriage avoid becoming a statistic of this recession.
Any tips from readers? Discuss.
Thursday, August 5, 2010

I don't know about you, but the average sounds awfully high. Especially when you figure the average family has 2.3 children. So the average family's back to school expenses will total $1,394.72!
As the mother of a preschooler and toddler, I have yet to experience the full extravaganza that is the ritual of back to school shopping. But if memory serves me correctly, your kids will beg, plead, and insist, they need all new stuff. Suddenly, last year's Star Wars backpack is not cool enough. And the 64-color box of crayons is mysteriously missing all the primary colors and instead you're left with crayons with names like burnt sienna, raw umber, and thistle.
Before you succumb to your child's every whim, I've compiled a list of shopping tips, tricks, and deals to help you come out ahead in the back to school spending spree.
Take Inventory and Separate the Needs from the Wants: This is something to get your child involved in. Take a look at the list their teacher has sent home, then go over it with your kid. What can be reused or repurposed? Basic school supplies don't need to be trendy. Get stuff that won't go out of style. It will help your child set priorities, learn how to manage money, and start saving his allowance for the items your budget won't allow. Oftentimes... kids will get to school and realize the lunch box or backpack they THOUGHT was going to be cool isn't. It might be a good idea to wait to get the trendier stuff after school starts, so they can check out what their friends have.
Buy Basics in Bulk: You know you'll need paper, pencils, glue sticks and notebooks. Dollar stores, warehouse stores and even eBay are sources for buying these and other basics in bulk. Then set up a supply shelf or storage container in your home that you can use all year long. You'll be able to avoid late-night shopping trips to buy notebook paper when you run out. And you'll know where to find unused notebooks and pencils when it comes time to shop for back-to-school supplies next year.
Consider Buying Used: Especially when it comes to pricey sports equipment, scientific calculators and musical instruments. Garage sales and eBay are great for this.
Watch for Promotions: The greatest thing about the internet, shopping at your fingertips. And comparison shopping is easier than ever. Scour the Web for sales and especially free shipping. fatwallet.com and dealtaker.com for example, have specific lists of back to school deals. Be aware, sometimes the deals for a retailer's brick and mortar and online stores are different. The Children's Place recently had a great 30% coupon, but it was in-store only. Also save any circulars advertising great deals -- many stores will match their competitors prices.
Look for Textbook Alternatives: College students have far more choices for buying used textbooks, with such sites as Alibris.com, Half.com and eCampus.com. Students can also rent textbooks. For example, at Chegg.com, "The Science of Psychology," by Laura King, costs $152.50 to buy new but is $31.94 to rent. Students can also buy cheaper digital versions, to be read online or downloaded, and even buy individual chapters of some books. One source is CourseSmart.com.
Utilize Student Discounts: for things like software or electronics. studentdiscounts.com lists academic software from manufacturers like Microsoft and Adobe. From Apple: any college student, faculty or staff member who buys a Mac gets a free iPod Touch through Sept. 7, 2010.